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Corinna Schnitt, Germany
Living a Beautiful Life
2003, Germany 13’00’’
Imagine a life you dreamt of as a child, i.e. a perfect life. Seemingly completely naively, Corinna Schnitt takes general wishing and the usual ideas of happiness in life by its word - and mercilessly feeds our eyes and ears on this quasi-documentary production. She shows us a man and a woman, both good-looking, who reside in a stylish villa high above Los Angeles, and who alternately report into the camera that they have got everything and are everything that others can only wish for. Like ›Blade Runner‹replicas, they list all of the components of an amazingly nice life, just as people, at least in the West, imagine it should be. It is very difficult for the viewer to cope with this exhausting litany of total happiness - and he feels even more provoked by the contemplative mood of the well-composed scenes. And those who assume in between that it will all explode at the end, as in Antonioni's ›Zabriskie Point‹, is mistaken
Corinna Schnitt
b. in Duisburg. Studied Art and Film at the Hochschule f?r Gestaltung, Offenbach and at the Kunstakademie D?sseldorf from 1989-96.
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