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Eliza Fernbach, UK
1996, Canada 9’00’’
A young girl awakens to the essence of life through tragedy and comedy on a journey with her parents by car.
Eliza Fernbach
Born in Berlin, Germany. Lives and works in Hoboken NJ, USA
Selected Cinema & Installation work: "Measuring Sorrows", 2004, Hoboken NJ, USA, "Postcards from the Edge", 2001-2004 New York, USA, "Presence/Absence", 2002, Hoboken NJ, USA, "Rushing to Your Death?", 2001, Rennes, France, "Music Video", 2000, Rennes, France.
"Time Suspended" ("Temps Suspendu") (color 2 minutes 1998), "Autumn" (color 2 minutes 1997), "Sinatra Serenade" (bIack + white 2 minutes 1996).
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