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Eliza Fernbach, UK
Time Suspended
1999, USA 3’00’’
A cinematic poetic meditation on the power of time and the impossibility of stopping it. This work employs the groundbreaking PAWS camera technology also seen in the Matrix films.
Eliza Fernbach
Born in Berlin, Germany. Lives and works in Hoboken NJ, USA
Selected Cinema & Installation work: "Measuring Sorrows", 2004, Hoboken NJ, USA, "Postcards from the Edge", 2001-2004 New York, USA, "Presence/Absence", 2002, Hoboken NJ, USA, "Rushing to Your Death?", 2001, Rennes, France, "Music Video", 2000, Rennes, France.
"Time Suspended" ("Temps Suspendu") (color 2 minutes 1998), "Autumn" (color 2 minutes 1997), "Sinatra Serenade" (bIack + white 2 minutes 1996).
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