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Jess Loseby, UK
Views from the Ground Floor...
2003, UK
"Views from the ground floor..." is an interactive installation, a view of a pixilated domestic landscape, which can seem in one scene, Utopian and in another transformed into a constricted area full of suppressed fears and desires. Loseby draws unexpected and compelling comparisons between female domesticity and cyber-culture; where low and high technology live side-by-side in an uneasy partnership of repetition, interaction and consequences. Her positioning as a wheelchair-user means these visions are always viewed from the ground floor...
Jess Loseby
b. 1972 in UK
A digital artist from the UK whose main medium is the internet. Her work ranges from small and intimate online installations to large scale digital projections and video. In a relatively brief time, her work has become known internationally such as the "cyber-kitchen" (co-curator) and "the Digital Pocket" (co-curator). In August 2003, she became the first virtual artist in residence at Furtherfield.org (FurtherStudio) one of the first virtual artists residencies of its kind. She has exhibited in digital festivals such as the Split Film Festival, Pixxelpoint 2003 and FILE 2003. Thematically, her projects continue her fascination with the 'beautiful seams' between the ubiquitous worlds of computing and the "real" (domestic). A staunch opponent of new media's absorption with VR, her installations create flows and streams in the relational space of art and technology. Loseby's unashamedly low-tech approach to new media builds comparisons of the network and digitally (in its frustrations, attention to triviality and repetition) as absurdly compatible to the female domestic routine.
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