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Michael Takeo Magruder, USA
2004, UK
Michael Takeo Magruder's <event> is concerned with the individual's relationship with finite moments in recent history. Magruder grapples with media saturation and its subsequent devaluation of information; copyright – who actually owns the information, the event that triggered it, the history it becomes?; is it the "truth"? <event> re-presents 31 news items, compelling the user to "reflect upon the minute isolated occurrences of which history in an empirical sense is composed."
Michael Takeo Magruder
b. in USA
An American artist based in the UK who received his formal education at the University of Virginia, USA, graduating with a degree in biological science. His artistic production has been exhibited worldwide and encompasses an eclectic mix of forms, ranging from futuristic stained-glass windows, digital light-screens and modular sculptures to architectural manipulations, ephemeral video projections and interactive net-installations. His work seeks to reflect upon the dualistic nature of media as both information source and cultural stimulant.
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