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Pawel Janicki
Ping Melody
2003, Poland
Ping Melody is a music-net-performance. Temporary and unique state of all actions of Internet users has an influence on form of music composition. Musician (instrumentalist or singer) is playing on acoustic instrument/singing and sounds coming from instrument/voice are shared in packets of data information (granulated), then transmitted to selected Internet locations (as "ping" unix command). Most of net artists are using some specific possibilities of Internet: they are working with WWW, streaming, etc. "In Ping Melody I treat Internet not so much as a tool which functions in given way, but as a space, that can be observed. I am specially interested in some sub-possibilities of Internet, that are growing out of simultaneous activity of huge count of its users – mental space, although objectivated: map of data transfer as a dynamic sum of actions taken by net users."
Pawel Janicki
b. 1974 in Poland
He is an independent media artist and producer working with generative music, micro sound and algorithmic composition, interactive systems for performances and installations, and his own constantly developed hard- and software. He composed soundtracks and interactive SFXs for art-CD-ROMs, TV and radio; realized projects based on fractal music and 4D real-time generated animations using fractal theory; contributed to various record compilations that document avant-garde of electronic and electro acoustic music, and co-operated with many artists, institutions, recording and IT industries. Pawel is networked with WRO Center for Media Art and actually his work is concentrated on software based sound/music processing, net-applications (especially in the sound context), and revitalization of existing military and entertainment technologies and infrastructure. He's also a member of well-known, exploring lo-tech aesthetics collective Gameboyzz Orchestra Project, and author of Ping Melody – software and performance joining improvised music with information exchange in world's data space of Internet.
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