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Rosanne van Klaveren, The Netherlands
Braintec - Memoirs of a Testee
2003, The Netherlands
Braintec (www.braintec.info) is an American company specialized in the research of memories. Rosanne van Klaveren is the first woman with a MESI-implant. On her site "Memoirs of a Testee" - recorded recollections at Braintec (www.memoires.braintec.info) she and some active people from the "audience" write down their experiences as test subjects. "Memoirs of a Testee" is an interactive soap opera, a story written online. Every Friday, Rosanne published the continuation of her stay at Braintec and the diary-fragments sent by the other participating test subjects. In this way an interactive story in serial form was created which can be read and also be influenced.
Rosanne van Klaveren
born in Netherlands.
Selected works & exhibitions (2003):
- "Braintec", www.braintec.info
- "Planet Art", exhibition, Enschede
- "AveCom Real", exhibition Museum voor Moderne Kunst, Arnhem
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