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Jury Vasiliev, Russia
Our Father
2004, Russia, Kaliningrad 4’50’’
Based on a performance with a deaf man reciting the most important prayer of the Christian world - “Our Father”. The prayer is read slowly with the help of the international sigh language. The re-coded prayer suggests to the audience perception the author’s meditation on the complex and equivocal man-God relationship.
Jury Vasiliev
b. 1950 Kingisepp. Selected exhibitions (2003-2004): - «Between East and West. Contemporary Kaliningrad art», 2003, Germany-Russia, Krasnoyarsk museum biennale V «The fiction of history», 2003, Krasnoyarsk - Nizhny Tagi l- Ekaterinburg – Novosibirsk, «Electric Visions», 2003-2004, Saint Petersburg, Russia
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